Fifty Shades Freed

I went into this, my first reviewed movie, having neither seen any previous installments of the 50 Shades franchise, nor read any of the books.

The movie starts with our titular heroes, Anastasia and Christian Grey, getting married in a painfully slow ceremony surrounded by rich dullards, and not much else happens from there. Most of their time is spent arguing with one another, or complaining about married life to other people. They are the most insipidly boring couple in the history of couples. They communicate like children, have easily avoidable arguments by not using human words, and I can’t imagine anyone being able to stand being around them. They spend a lot of time flying around the world to amazing locations to take baths and stare at each other. Sometimes they invite people along. These people are not germane to the plot, and their names need not be noted. One of these people gets kidnapped eventually. Everyone yawns.

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It seems like every asshole on the Internet has a blog these days, and I thought, “Hey, I’m one of those!” So, here I am! This site will be riddled with tyypos, filled with pop culture references that probably only amuse me, and have very poorly done photoshopped images (I’m even less literate in that regard).

In the mean time I would say that I’m going to not just review bad movies, but since 99% of movies are trash it’s basically inevitable. There will probably be films you really like that I review, and you’ll think to yourself, “Hey, that’s not a bad movie! I liked it!” Just know your opinion is wrong; it is a terrible movie. You have awful taste. You are one of the reasons so many bad movies get made. The first step is acceptance!

Have fun, and hope you keep reading. Or don’t. What am I your Internet handler?

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