I, The Lazy Film Critic, have no discernible skills in criticism outside of being a curmudgeon who likes to watch movies, and then tear the hardworking people apart who made them. The entire site is a project born of buying a domain half a decade ago, and then deciding maybe I should actually use it if I’m going to pay fees on it every year.

In theory, the site will be updated regularly. (Tuesdays? Maybe? Some other day?) In practice I will think about updating it a lot. I’m really trying to figure out how to turn this into a money making scheme more than anything. Is there going to be merchandise? Oh, you know there is! I didn’t have a talented person make me a logo in order to not try and sell it!

Maybe I’ll have friends of mine guest post! Hopefully, they write worse than I do. That’s an idea. I should write these down…

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