

I’ll need to be light on details because major plot points early on are very important to the story, and it would be unfair to give them away when you watch this movie. And you SHOULD watch this movie. Every conversation and observation made by characters from the very opening funeral scene are important to understanding what happens at the end. People are struggling with the end because it shifts in what seems like a very abrupt way. The opening funeral is for Ellen, matriarch of the Graham family. Her daughter Annie (Toni Collette) gives a eulogy noting her mother’s reclusive nature, how difficult she was, and how she’s surprised how many people are actually attending the funeral.

What follows is a story of how a family deals with loss, and how that loss brings anger, resentment, and pain that’s been smoldering up the surface for the living and the dead in this case.

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You’re An Idiot: Indiana Jones

This series will examine baffling decisions and characters from popular films.

Not only is Indiana Jones the worst archeologist* in the history of archeology, but he regularly hands his helpless Nazi enemies the items they are looking for without them even trying.

In Raiders of the Lost Ark after being informed of the Nazi’s scheme to find the Ark of the Covenant, Indy rushes to his old flame Maid Marion because she has a medallion that will pinpoint where the Ark is located in the ancient Egyptian city of Tanisha. So far, so good! Maid Marion isn’t aware that Nazis are up to no good, and Indiana needs to get that to protect her AND keep the bad guys from the Ark. It pretty much all goes awry from there, however.

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You’re An Idiot: Doc Brown

This series will examine baffling decisions and characters from popular films.

Doctor Emmett Brown is a dangerous idiot on a cosmic scale, and the entire plot of Back to the Future 2 makes no sense.

At the end of Back to the Future, Doc Brown rushes up to Marty and Jennifer yelling they have to RUSH to the future. An exasperated Marty whines that he just got back, and wonders why they have to go at the moment. Doc Brown explains that their kids turn into assholes, and they need to fix it. Marty’s exasperation seems warranted, but it’s for all the wrong reasons.

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